Xavi Simons ● Young Sensation ● Skills & Goals 2014-2018 | HD

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► Xavi Simons ● FC Barcelona Wonderkid ● Skills & Goals 2018 | HD
► Xavi Simons – Future of Barcelona 2017/2018
► Headphones Recommended (HD Supported)

Video Produced and Directed by: Jamaican Dragon ©
Computer used: Asus Notebook (core i5)
Software used: Sony Vegas 15

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The name is Xavi Simons, a 13-year-old wonderkid currently captain of the La Masia Under-14s side.
However, this Xavi is not Spanish, but Dutch and is the son of former footballer Regillio Simons – who spent his entire career playing in the Netherlands.
Yet Regillio is a Barcelona fan and he and his wife Peggy named their son after their hero… Xavi.
At that stage, Xavi Hernandez was just 23, but already an established star in Spain and a hero in Barcelona.
Perhaps young Simons was destined for glory the day his name was chosen, but one thing is for sure, ‘the new Xavi’ is a seriously gifted footballer.

Alternate Titles
Xavi Simons FC Barcelona Wonderkid Xavi Simons ● Barcelona Wonderkid ● Amazing Skills Show | HD Xavi Simons ● The Future of FC Barcelona ● 2014-2018 Xavi Simons VS Shane Kluivert 2018 ● future of Barcelona ● HD SHANE KLUIVERT & TOUZANI


Act of 4 February 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights
This video is fair use under U.S. copyright law because it is noncommercial and transformative in nature, uses no more of the original than necessary, and has no negative effect on the market for the original work.


Jamaican Dragon™ says:

Share with a friend who this 13 yr old is better than at football ?
Subscribe and turn on Notifications? to never miss an Upload??. Hope you enjoyed…??

Filipe Pacheco says:

Francisco Conceição is must beather

Tarazca Mundo says:

Messi literally paid way for the modern style of offense, striker way of playing. This kid and many other now will play like this.

Paulo Santos says:

Até o nome é igual

Estela Garcia Merino says:

Xavi simons , un luchador como los de la www,vaya muchacho. Regatea como nunca y dispara como siempre, este muchacho va a lllegar muy legos

gun2 3 says:

Ik noem simon dendoncker

gun2 3 says:

Xavi simons vs Ik

Jakub Mikołaszewski says:

Xavi extrem

Khaled Yaqoub says:

The next messi

best of best says:

Xavi simons new video plz can you upload of 2019

RAY OOO says:

Still better than gomez

Javier Soriano Rivera says:

no sabe grabar….
muy cecay bajo

ابو فواو الجيلاني says:

احد عربي هنا لايك

waz goin says:

This kid is gonna be a really scary beast in the field when he grows up

Urie Jun says:

Regatea como messi, pasa como iniesta y tiene el cabello de valderrama, que mas se puede pedir.

Jitendra singh says:

After Messi this guy amazed me..???

Enis Tahiri says:

Let’s just say that we all are salty. We want the life of him but we don’t so we say that he is overrated

Isaiah Morris says:

Great edit ?Do you mind if I use about a minute of this for my barça fan page on instagram it’s called barça union 27

sabina eriksson says:

He's not overatted he's just a tiki taka type guy

GeeFunk MasterFlex says:

messi has a new eyrs but i like how he has ronaldinho sleeves

초딩축구선수 says:

난 저선수보다 더 대단한선수가 될거야 비교도 안되게

xd lit says:

I've seen kids better than him at his age. Sure the kid is great. But the title is very overrated

Soccer&Aphiwe says:

The most inspiring video ever

Fisnik Hyseni says:

Who is messi

*TSM Scooby Doo* o says:

How many kids better then this overrated kid, just because he pay Barcelona to play doesn't mean he is the best, how many poor kids in Brazil Argentina Peru are better than this kid

YuGo Asap4Ever says:

i played against him in a tournment, we lost 5:3 , but xavi isnt that good, in my opinion i played better than him, not denying that hes good, but he is, but sooo overrated

Juan Nieva says:

Hay mejores pero muchisimo mejores en argentina que no juegan en equipos tan famosos y no son millonarios como el

Maria Lourdes says:

Joga muinto

Thug Side says:

He comes from the Netherlands!!!

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