Champions League Week 5 predictions: PSG vs. Liverpool, more | Champions League Predictor

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ESPN FC’s Ross Dyer and Stevie Nicol predict a few headline matches during Matchday 5’s Wednesday Champions League fixtures including Atletico Madrid vs Monaco, PSG vs Liverpool, PSV vs Barcelona and Tottenham vs Inter Milan.

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Marie Kornelian says:

I always wonder why the English are so self-righteous and arrogant?????
They were confident that Liverpool will beat Napoli, they lost; they were confident that Liverpool will beat the Red Star, they lost; they were confident that Liverpool will beat PSG, and they lost. etc. etc.

Wake up and smell the coffee: The English soccer is not that good!!!!

Shane The Rock King says:

Where the Tottenham fans at???….North London is bloody red mates

S_ M_D says:

ha ha ha… british loosers ! PSG win !

Imtiaz Akand says:

They think that psg is not a good team. Lol

smirk deckaofficial says:

These guys always talk slack on PSG and Neymar, look what they did now they won #PSG #Neymar

chancy319 says:

LOSERPOOL. ???????

Soccergates7800 says:


splodge 57 says:

Steve you would have been 100% right if you weren't such a Liverpool fan. They looked 2nd rate against a good side.

Seanpaul Mistic says:

Lol Liverpool flop

willy caze says:


Benvolio Akulinda says:

???mediocre predictions

sreyas raj says:

1:34….?? yeah booii

Ian says:

Liverpool, arsenal, spurs and Chelsea meeting in the EL is hilarious!

Lame Bhakt says:

That's why I hate this fucking pundits!!!
Useless piece of shit!!!!
It seems PSG will lose against loserpool..?? they think Mane is better than Neymar and Salah better than Mbappe. Ahahahahahah
Well know what forget Liverpool about winning.. they are on the verge to get knock out in group stage.

Tashicourtois keeper channel says:

Liverpool loose???

Tashicourtois keeper channel says:

Liverpool gone

Alberto Brizuela says:

Delusional Liverpool fan lmao

supa savage says:

all the retards who said pool and inter will win, get fucked

Andreas T says:

Watching this after PSG just got done spanking Liverpool ??

Cock Ferocious says:

All these comments are so dumb. They're so confident on their predictions

Phidelstick Tv says:

Well liverpool lost

Litha-lihle M says:

Lmao you thought?

alok chaudhary says:

Hahah…Steve Nicol this fraud is exposed again…He can't see Liverpool loosing…PSG just destroyed dem…fake pundit ???

Master Yoda says:

Stevie is deluded. Liverpool lost away from home.