Barcelona vs Paris Saint Germain 6-1 – UCL 2016/2017 – Highlights (English Commentary)

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Gabriel Ramos says:

Fue uno de los más grandes robos de la historia del fútbol

Mathis barca says:

Hahahaha Nikez vos mères les putes les parisiens de mes couilles bandes de putes???? . PSG = Putes Sur Gazon??. Rêvez de vos darones les putes qui se font niker chaque soir.? Le barca vous enculera toujours bandes de salopes. Club de putes, supporters en bois.?? ❤️? !Visca Barca!?❤️

Aron Groen says:

Robbery? You guys do realize that PSG was bought with money robbed from dying oil workers? Needed to be said

Allan Varela says:

El Robó más grande que e visto

Akwa Mrt says:

when uefalona DESTROY the PSG

kuma mboo says:

Messi is posibleeeeeeeeeeeeeerrer

Shakira Alleyne says:

Never gets old

Real Is Real says:

PSG blew a 4-0 lead. Wasteful

Samuel Aaron Espinoza says:

This is disgusting

Sidney Sika says:

it's unforgettable

Ledi Memia says:


Rafa Asia Azka says:

The match was actually 6-5

Fuji Anto says:

I lov yuo neymar

Imran Muktar says:

United in 99 was better

Nicky Gaming says:

Lol and people say the ref was paired wtf

Eduardo Balmori Basulto says:

Like si estas viendo la remontada en el 2019⚽️

Scorpio Snake says:

Madrid Fan Whores in the comments making things interesting here .

Lukyamuzi Stephen says:

The last goal was typical robbery

SkyStryker53 Italy says:


Jose florentino Medina villarreal says:

Minuto 4:38 karma al final

Jose florentino Medina villarreal says:

Alguien español alv 🙂

giovanni thuo says:

That's what we're talking about Barcelona

Kris Skora says:

Messi is the best there ever will be, and as brilliant as he was this game, Neymar was the absolute key player, without him they’d been out. No wonder he left, no matter what you do you’ll alwayas as be in Messis shadow, but question is how do you not be in Messis shadow? GOAT. Miss Neymar in La Liga.

Rafael Nunez Jr. says:

You can call it a robbery but is still the best game. I've never gotten so much joy after watching a match like this one

Xertias Strat says:

Toujours des parisiennes a dire match trucé nananere eh oh les gars ca fait plus d'un an et demie la
Barça qui a perdue contre roma 3 0 au retour du 4 1 ca cassait les couilles mais personne est venu dire quelque chose les mecs

Puis le real allait gagnait c'était sur

Metthew TM says:

Biggest robbery

Gri Kafa says:

Messi aynı ben yaa

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