Pes 2008, 2009, 2010, are very bad games. for me, Pes is dead with Pes 6 on Ps2… the last great Pes… Pes 2010 is a ridicolous game arcade (Arcade does not mean bad, Pes is bad). limited, schematic, ripetitive.. ridicolous arcade…
i have fortunally a Ps3, i try this year Fifa 10, and, Amigo, Pes is very very little compared with Fifa…. so bad and ridicolous game…
i like football, i like simulation and realism, Fifa is a game of football, Pes is a bad cartoon…
Hey! At 2:14 minute when goalkeeper Victor Valdes was wrong and gave the ball to Fernando Torres, after the goalkeeper touches with his hand outside the area, it would have been expulsion (red card).
i must admit that PES 2010 looks good, graphics and the style of gameplay… has the futbol feeling, but the downside of the game is the physics of the players… look at how they run, robotic much peeps? don't think im a hater =D but i love PES to. already got fifa 10 and its excellent.. this year goes to fifa 10 for me….
after playing pes11 i don't think i could play pes10 again
i can beat all of them with ten goals ahead
Damn this game looks shitty
man! no is bad game! is the best game man!
Pes 2008, 2009, 2010, are very bad games. for me, Pes is dead with Pes 6 on Ps2… the last great Pes… Pes 2010 is a ridicolous game arcade (Arcade does not mean bad, Pes is bad). limited, schematic, ripetitive.. ridicolous arcade…
i have fortunally a Ps3, i try this year Fifa 10, and, Amigo, Pes is very very little compared with Fifa…. so bad and ridicolous game…
i like football, i like simulation and realism, Fifa is a game of football, Pes is a bad cartoon…
it's not a game, is a bad cartoon..
Hey! At 2:14 minute when goalkeeper Victor Valdes was wrong and gave the ball to Fernando Torres, after the goalkeeper touches with his hand outside the area, it would have been expulsion (red card).
Three Ofside And Etc!
se chiama "PES 2010" de "PLAYSTATION 3"
Come si chiama questo cartone animato?
i must admit that PES 2010 looks good, graphics and the style of gameplay… has the futbol feeling, but the downside of the game is the physics of the players… look at how they run, robotic much peeps? don't think im a hater =D but i love PES to. already got fifa 10 and its excellent.. this year goes to fifa 10 for me….
Player 2 is a newbie. =/
i feel the players smaller than demo and ground bigger,is this truth?
19 ? Do you come from de the future x) ?
fifa! fuck of you fool. you know nothing
shit game
lol what a shit game omg
yeah and what problems what those be I don't see any. I just see your troll of a comment.
nice, but the goalkeeper still poor
who is playing? he suck!
I have no idea why this comment was modded down twice… He's just saying he's looking forward to a game. Is that bad?
so arcade. same as fifa though.
well, can only hope its better than the demo suggested…..
same old crap. It should be called Robotic evolution soccer 2010