INSIDE TRAINING: Crossing And Shooting Drill From All Angles

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Norwich City TV captured the crossing and shooting drill at the end of Thursday’s training session.


James F says:


Dose Of Flips says:

Is this at the NEST

Stephanie Di Mari says:

I love how this just keeps the energy going for the pair up top. After the shot at the top of the box, looking to receive a corner is a very simple way to keep the drill going and the players engaged. Thanks!

Emkayel says:

This is the beautiful game, take a look at my drills too

Michael Mahler says:

what is the song/music that is in this video

Hugh Tube says:

This video is labelled incorrectly. This isn't crossing and shooting drills, this is how we defend from set plays.

Baladis Andriakopoylos says:

Its good to see smiles after that streak so Back in the business

T P F says:


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