Alex Song and the La Liga Trophy Barcelona 2013 champions

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Mr. Isco 22 says:


Hvrith says:

Fucking secondhand embarrassment

Drmaldition says:

What an idiot! Why on earth did he think he was invited to this particular party? I call it hidden arrogance. Some may feel sorry for him, I don't. He was exposed as an absolute twat! Simples!

Proig NWH says:

when Leo realize he should start jumping 🙂

Far J says:

hahaha…Song Got Dong! That sums up his career at Barcelona.

Eric Garcia says:

Lmao, fuck. If you start at 0:10 and continue until 0:13 – you can see Thiago's entire reaction. The secondhand cringe must have been unbearable, lol.

Cash Shew says:

i wonder why he went to barcelona .. sigh

Hasmik Yeganyan says:

It's not Alex Song,It's Eric Abidal!

Seif Alaa says:

Why the fuck would he think he would take it?

Abdi Hussein says:

looool hahahahaha XD

SaumonArcEnCiel says:

its balotelli no?

yougoogz says:

lyk dis if u cry evrtim

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