Liverpool VS Barcelona (Team Arrival And YNWA) – Smilar

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So Sam and Ash headed to Wembley for the day to see Liverpool take on Barcelona in the Champions Cup. Here is a short video of one of the highlights that given us Goosebumps!!

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Duncan Sands says:

First ever Football match London England December 1863!

Suryan Jhugroo says:

Liverpool has won 4-0 vs barça

Thomas Nørgaard says:

3:00 I cry atonce..

popotjiek says:

Barcelona ,company without supporters .

Xxhype 89 says:

I’ve been to a LFC match which was there first match of the season 4-0 against West Ham MO SALAH

oddball hippie says:

the lamest ynwa, too much respect

agustin saavedra-weise says:


Nilda Torres Arellano says:

Esto es pasión ?

Thiago Miguel says:

Torcida braba ??

Jason Mitchell says:

Hard to listen to early.

Rajesh Soni says:

There's only one time in the world.
Liverpool we love you……..

Waie Ahnaf says:

go RM halamadrid

Santiago Henao Restrepo says:

Who knows if they’ll be playing “You’ll Never Walk Alone” this 2018 summer in the Liverpool vs Man. City game in New Jersey for the International Champions Cup??? If they do, I’ll go! ?

Burkhard Müller says:

Liverpool hast the best Fans in the World ????

Name Abdou says:

respect from morocco and i'm leverpool fun i love u guys

fantasma2334 says:

Liverpool el mejor ???

ليت الزمان يعود says:

I love leverpool

Nasser mz says:

Wht the neme song 23??

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