PES 2015 UEFA Champions League Final (Real Madrid vs FC Barcelona Gameplay)

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luchinni96 says:

iN PES 15 la gane con BARCA con.., ni lo recuerdo ya que club.

luchinni96 says:

AND LIGA MASTER" with fc. barcelona! in the PES 2017!!

luchinni96 says:

I win the uefa with the R. MADRID vs. BAYER M. (3-2)

Tadeo Almenares says:

Seguro que lo tienes en el nivel facil

Tadeo Almenares says:

Messi nunca se comería un mano a mano en final y contra el madrid

bunbun ambar1 says:

Haha bagus mainnya

Asky e Mauro says:

I love Pes. Fifa is worst.

Toño Castro says:

Como hiciste para que los defensas subieran al tiro de Esquina?

yasser hazmoun says:

Amateur not super stars

Lilis Nur says:

Ini di ps y

ElRay0 ARG says:

que noztalgia

Omar Algrf says:

دي pes 18

Moh Ridho says:

real madrid menang dua kosong

Native Tube says:

pes has robotic gameplay, very bad game. Don't like it. Fifa is far better & I'm happy with it. Graphics doesn't matter

ميسم دباغ says:




Methembe Bger says:

Pes 15 is Better than fifa 18

Seyla Cortez says:

Madrid el mejor del mundo

siddhu gold says:

Hey my players doesn't line up like yours plzz can you fix it plzz

Tejas Madda says:

plz give link of this game it is not in playstore

Kevin Alvarez says:

pruebenlo en x box one o ps4 es de la puta mejor que el pes 2018

Kevin Alvarez says:

esto es en una ps3

arn TV says:


LON MAO says:

Are you pay on computer or ios?

xxX Xxx says:

You should have 2 ai play each other not have a human vs an ai. That’s just stupid

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