Club classic: Messi winner powers Barca to history

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Estudiantes – Barcelona, FIFA Club World Cup UAE 2009 final: Barcelona won their sixth trophy of the year following a last-gasp equaliser and a headed winner in extra time against a dogged Argentine opponent.

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Carlos Henrique Rodrigues Cavalcante says:

Uma das poucas vezes que vi um time da América do sul que jogou no mesmo nível com um europeu. Pensar que o cruzeiro teve a chance de vencer do Estudiantes mas vacilou

Federico Jofré says:

Pincharrata. ?⚪?

Dhanvi Vajapeyas says:

Wtf was wrong with ibra when he was in barca?

繼續遊戲_Continue the Game says:

6 champions, unprecedented

Abu Atef Ahabab Rafi says:

Glorious ??⚽❤??

Sophia Walker says:

messi is the best of story

Nicolas Adelaide says:

Maldito Barcelona,torci muito pro Estudiantes nesse dia ! Viva a América do Sul !

Marcelo Agustin Martinez says:

why did it have to be pedro? 😀 😀 😀

Rafaella Barbosa says:

primeira vez que eu vejo um time europeu comemorando um mundial


everything messi did 5 yrs ago, cr7 is doing now… the time they both retire messi will have a superior trophy haul ! lmfao at 26 messi won everything, cr7 won everything at 33 hahahahah messi younger by 2 yrs

Sabid Hossain says:

Why is this in my recommended after 6 years

Deivy José says:

this was probably the best football team in history. estudiantes did a good job

Imti Jamir says:

Seeing Tito here just choked me up. Rip Tito, you were a great servant of Barça.

Mateus Matzenbacher says:

The last time an European club really celebrated the victory of a Club World Cup. After that it became boring for them.

Carlos Henrique Rodrigues Cavalcante says:

Uma das ultimas vezes que um time jogou de igual pra igual com uma equipe europeia

rami bechara says:

It has always been Pedro. UEFA SUPER CUP 2009. CLUB WORLD CUP 2009 and SUPER CUP 2015

mebansharai khongwir says:

Messi Chested the ball??

mebansharai khongwir says:

I understand 3 title's. UEFA champions league… La Liga BBVA… Copa del Ray.. But what are the other 3???

Alpha Omega says:

still gives me goosebumps, good old days ?

deadmau 5 says:


red alive says:

Por 87 minutos fuimos campiones del mundo y le hicimos un increible partido al barca orgulloso de ser pincha

Martín Clavijo says:

por que a todos los de estudiantes las camiseas les quedaban grandes?

Oli Nashy says:

how old is this

*-pupper-* says:

Valdez sucks as goalkeeper.

Big Bang Rasengan says:

Chest? You mean heart…

elian gonzalez says:

Like if watching in 2015

Jim Lou says:

scored with his heart

kopolojoyono says:

oh, the good days of yore

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