Lionel Messi Ignores Reporters After Landing In Barcelona From World Cup

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Argentina and Barcelona superstar Lionel Messi had no time for questions as he landed from Russia following defeat to France in the 2018 World Cup round of 16.

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Aioria de leo says:

:v uno no puede salir tranquilo ala calle sin toparse con chusma

Ronaldo 7 says:

Family are my first parent, Teachers are my second parent and мєѕѕι is my third parent forever✋?

MrFizane77 says:

Messi miss the leadership features .. Argentina deserve someone better .. 2006 he was young .. 2010 Maradona bad coaching .. 2014 bad luck .. 2018 the team did not help him!!! many excuses for the same weak personality player!

Shaheen family says:

Give him some space

blueknight blueknight says:

Messi, I still support you and will do forever. Nobody wanted that trophy more than you . So I know how much sadness you're feeling right now. But worldcup or no worldcup….yoou're still the best player ever. Love you Messi…

OvratedXx says:

Messi doesn't need to win the world cup to prove himself. He is the best no matter and I can prove it ( watch me get so much hate from ronaldo fanboys from this comment)

jmcieslak0 says:


Lauren Silvers says:

Argentina depended to much on messi

Muhamad Nazrin says:

Messi pukima bota

Taurinomix says:

Finally a video that proves, why Messi is the G.O.A.T ! ? (Got Out Airport Terminal)

jl c says:


Hawra Alabdulla says:

Guys plz give him a break.He was under ALOt of pressure like his whole team other then,Di Maria,Aguaro where slacking it was them 3 carrying a whole team.Ronaldo didn't deal with that his team had good players!

Quattro 4 says:

Lol why didnt he to argentina first? Messi is the only elite from Ronaldo r9, zidane, c ronaldo, ronaldinho , to play with one team. He cant even play well in his national team. Hes a false goat.

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