Messi Moment of Madness (Barcelona vs Roma Friendly 2015)

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Lionel Messi headbutt vs Mapou Yanga-Mbiwa during Barcelona vs Roma as the sides toke part in the Gamper Trophy 2015. Messi fight vs Roma. Football madness, this is definitely not the Lionel Messi we all know. Messi lost his head during the Joan Gamper match with Roma and fully went for defender Mapou Yanga-Mbiwa. Messi was exchanging words with Yanga-Mbiwa when the Argentine threw his head into the Roma man’s face – before shoving and grabbing at his throat.

Incredible scenes.

But perhaps more incredible is the fact he wasn’t sent off for this crazy display, with a yellow card each being awarded. Madness.

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Quand Lionel Messi s’en prend à Mapou Yanga-Mbiwa. Souvent présenté comme le gendre idéal, Lionel Messi a prouvé qu’il avait son petit caractère et qu’il n’était pas du genre à se laisser marcher sur les pieds. Ce mercredi soir, à l’occasion d’une confrontation entre Barcelone et l’AS Rome (diffusée sur L’Equipe 21), l’attaquant argentin a perdu son sang-froid face à Mapou Yanga-Mbiwa. Le Barcelonais est venu se mettre tête contre tête avec le Français avant de le saisir par le cou et de le repousser.

Messi y Yanga – Mbiwa protagonizaron un pequeño enfrentamiento después de que el argentino se enfrentara con el jugador de la Roma. A pesar de que el choque era amistoso y debía servir como la fiesta de presentación del Barcelona, hubo momentos de tensión.


Alt-M-Wiz says:

Why was messi mad i dont get it

Smiley Das says:

Does anyone know that what did he say to messi it was something about his mom but exactly what did he say to leo???????????????

BiggidyBtotheOPP says:

Fifa rides his jock. They have been kissing this pretty boys ass for a long time. The refs have played favorite to Messi forever….
Those who control the conduct of the FIFA organization, are like "sports illuminati "….

1ranjeeves21 says:

Does anyone know why he is so angry?

alex koz says:

That black guy could beat the living shit out of messi, hes only a head taller and two times stronger.

Jack Thirlaway says:

First of all, the fact messi got away with this shows the incredible bias towards him, which is utterly disgusting, if anyone else did this they'd undoubtedly be off the pitch. Secondly, those who are saying that M'biwa 'provoked' him and so it was right are idiots, he still has no right to act like this. Furthermore, anyone saying that they 'Settled it like men' is a mongoloid and shouldn't be let outside without a helmet on, M'biwa would murder messi with his bare hands.

Ash critics says:

Suarez,Neymar,messi = gang

Абдирасул Батырханулы says:


Abbas Shah says:

Messi is weak as fuck he was about to get his ass whooped??

stuff maker316 says:

all the way messi is best forever??

TheUnbearableBear says:

You wouldn't see Ronaldo doing things like this…Oh wait

james mcclintocl says:

I love this vid (guess who's my fave player?)

Lewisplays_02 says:

Can someone please tell me why he did it

Kaehola X says:

Surprised people here? None. It's just a style how Messi and the whole Barcelona plays. Diving and begging the judge to give free kicks and penalties, that's what Barca really is besides that throat-grabbing, shoulder-biting and tax avoidance.

The ugly and cold truth. The rubbish of the football fields – Fc Uefalona.

abhinav D says:

people are backing messi that he is a human after all..had this been Ronaldo, he would have been called arrogant and shit!
amazing people and their amazing thinking!

Farkas Szidike says:

Jól tette!! <3 Messi

Jason Rohleder says:

This is the true Messi

Mei Lor says:

So let me just get something straight….because it's bothering me.  When a player isn't aggressive, takes someone's BS or rough rackling, OR they get tripped up in play etc…..they're pussies.  And not just that one player….it's generalized to the entire sport. It's a pussy sport.

When someone gets physical with another player, presumably to settle some BS like men…they're bitches/assholes/corrupt/chump players.

Seems there's no middle ground…someone's always gonna be around to hate and talk shit.  Yeah, makes sense.

Rezanur howlader says:

Messi was thinking about Higuain.

the leandrox extreme says:

el gueon de roma empeso el idiota

Ndumiso Shabangu says:

No one is perfect guys, as a men we all lose our cool at some point especially when people push you around a lot. This was a trap though and Messi fell for it, they are trying to destroy his image by provoking him so must becareful out there

burns83 says:

Mucha gente acá que ni sabe que es el futbol comentando

Fiur Sonnen says:

Can't believe I found some idiots in the comment section saying this was racist.

daniel youthoughtLLL says:

lmao did any one else think when messi grabbed the guys neck his like 'Say cristiano is better then me one more time'. xD

Saryero says:

little mongoloid

Maheswari Velu says:

at last messi still got 2 good friends to come n let him away from them,love so much how the way they care each other, vamos M S N
forca el barça forca el mundo

Andrew Noonan says:

And look at the vile piece of shit Suarez, ready to lunge in and take his next bite. Barca must like scumbags.

Andrew Noonan says:

Id love the little cunt to grab me round the throat. I would smash his fucking head in. Dirty argies.

Lionel Messi Fans Club - says:

Messi isso mesmo abaixo a cabeça para malandro não, você é o melhor jogador da história.

Habitats & Shelters Engineering Resource Limited says:

From time immemorial, I just don't seem to love Messi's comport, on and off the field. Why? On the inside of him lives racism.

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