Neymar vs Alaves (CdR Final) HD 1080i (27/05/2017) by MNcomps

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Copa del Rey, Season 2016-17.
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MNcompsJR says:

Last one for the season. Thanks for the support throughout this season. See you in July for pre-season 🙂

XZFreestyle CJ7 says:

Esos dribling de Neymar siempre me sorprenden
El.mejor jugador…
Esa música está perfecta

Silvia Bergamo says:

deyverson….kkk….só jesus

liaqat ali says:

Naymer not good player

soumya G says:

Neymar is the best.. he is such a good dad too..


Хуясер гандон

Emine Xhaferi says:

Waw ju har boj bjuti for neymar kisssssssssssss hahhahahahaa aj love ju sow maq hah neymar ha

Evelina Johannesson says:


Daniel Haikal says:

I very very like. you neymar

Neymar JR says:

Sad neymar cant do his danced with dani anymore


Much more talented than Cristiano Ronaldo! He is much better than him! Cristiano is only scoring goals, Neymar is dribbling,making assists, scoring goals…

Clebinho says:

Se pra se o melhor basta apenas fazer gol, agora o neymar consegue, todo jogo ta saindo gol

Christian Von Collas says:


Milad Rasuli says:

nejmar är best

Bruce Lee says:

Neymar started the move off for his goal but commentators kept quite …had that been Messi they would've said Messi started the move and finished it..this is why i say what i say…Messi is the most pampered spoiled footballer IN HISTORY!!'s too blatant, anything Messi does is overrated over praised when in the same game on the same pitch Neymar plays better TOTAL FOOTBALL!!

To esperando o silêncio pra eu rimar says:

6:25 coitado do moleque, queria aparecer na foto mas o messi mandou vazar

Nilsamy Maia says:

neymar tem um testao

hi bye says:


Sillas Rodrigues says:

A cara que o Messi faz, é a melhor KKKKK 5:07

Ismoilxon Yoldoshev says:

zor oynadilarin keyingi yiliyam bundan zor oynalarin

Cidaneymoh Njr says:

Neymarjr ???????

Amin Ghanbari says:

please tell me where u get ur somgs from?

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