Latest Transfer News Winter 2018 – Confirmed & Rumours Transfers ft. Neymar, Sanchez, Ozil…

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Latest transfer news winter 2018 (#1): Confirmed and rumours transfers ft. Neymar Jr, Philippe Coutinho, Alexis Sanchez, Mesut Ozil, Henrikh Mkhitaryan ..etc…
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Track: Alan Walker – Fade [NCS Release]


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Team Work says:

Alexis sanzhez is magester United

Sylvia Marburger says:

pls tell ozil not to go pls pls pls PLS!!!!!!


Pero si Coutinho ya lo tiene el barca

Manchester United fan No 1 says:

Will ander herrera go to athletico Madrid?

Valli Balasubramanian says:

Neymar to real madrid !! ??? nice joke .

Kill Zone says:

RMA for neymar

game melon says:

i would hate neymar becuase he was from barcelona and that is a descrase to messi and srurez

The World Of Rasmus says:

It's Spectre , not Fade.

Litti says:

wrong all wrong hahaha wtf ik the transfers they just got the offer thdy dident all accept it execpt sanchez going to man united and mhitiarian to arsenal dude wtf not inter tho….

Jaspreet Singh says:

Glad ozil is leaving for a worthy place

I'm lovin Gucci ! says:

Neymar to real madrid ?

Saad Imran says:

Neymar is going to RM

*!ZAIN!* says:

Neymar's reputation will be gone if he signs Real Madrid.

Filip Frąckowiak says:

Jak się nazywa ta muza przy Neymarze

David Hshusjsib says:

Neymar real madrid besssssstttttt??✌?

Munni Akter says:

Dele ali to Barcelona amazing


Haha messi makin panas nih kayaknya


Neymar to real madrid nope that rumor is not true neymar have a five year contract

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