What Conte Said To Lionel Messi | Barcelona vs Chelsea 3-0

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Chelsea manager was seen hugging Barcelona star Lionel Messi after the final whistle.

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Daily DZ says:

music name !

Sucheta Chatterjee says:

very nice vdo Mon??????

Gary Ward says:

so what did he say? no factual to this at all.. waste of time

Karl Heven says:

great fair play-
respects to both of them

Mohammad Subhan says:

Respect Conte..

Luis Ortiz says:

good job barca that's how you win against a world class team , good job
i also respect conte

Mr. Pes_Android says:

Courtois legs was long like a giraffe that why messi nutmeg him twice?

Gin Harminto says:

Im to Respect is Mr Antonio Conte …with greatfully sportifitas show…to Leonel Messi…cover mr. conte..??

Hendrik Pasola says:

Trio LLO Lionel Lois Osman verrry2 good GBU

Othman Lahlou says:

Chelsea lost with dignity….. Instead of parking the bus

WMK MY says:

This is Barcelona at their peak. I won't be surprise if they won't be able to make it thru the UCL quarters next year. Without Messi's sublime form actually. And it would be decades to find another player that can stand up to Messi's level. Barcelona will be just an average team without his form. He's a one in a million.

MALCOM X says:

coutois has a big pussy

Dicky Saputra says:

Conte says : you are the great not the man who talking the best by himself

taral - says:

Imagine any opposition coach talking to an opposition player other than Messi like that.

Akeeme Williams says:

If messi is the leave barca for a next club I think it will be CHELSEA

Akeeme Williams says:

If u weren't on barca team my team would have won u r great

Spy Football says:

Hey, I really enjoy your videos.


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Jibon Akash says:

——-> Mr.COnTE iS SupER & A Great Heart…Thiz Is A Sign Of Positive Mind & Good HumaN Beingz…After All At last Itz A Game…Not Any OneS Life…Itz A Part Of Life…Conte iS A Practical PersOn…He iS Right…Why Dnt Any Team Take iT EasiLy…I Lose U Win…Okz CheerZ ItZ Not My Day…Wishing Good LuCk To Ur Opponents…Dnt Make It Joke…& Dnt Take iT Too Seriously…Live ♥ Laugh ♥ LOve…#ReSpECT ♥ !!!! ☺✌?

[#BanGLadESh ♥]


Rishi Thakker says:

Barca needed 2 legs 2 win because you can't score from between the keeper's leg if there is only 1 leg

Mihai Catalin Grigore says:

Conte asked Messi if he wanted to sign for Chelsea XD

Lancer Shade says:

Pssst.. Don't score too much.. Have mercy on me messi

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