Messi if you're a good player change club and let's see ,you cannot be playing one club since you started professional football and call yourself the best only fools will call you Messi as the best
At least Messi shows some fighting spirit instead of just staring at the ground and rubbing his forehead like he used to do. Not even a fan of him, but I can appreciate this.
es muy complicado para Messi tras haber sido ayudado año tras año por los de negro, ver que ahora gracias al V.A.R. se les hace mas complicado ayudarlos. Tranquilo Messi. Has sido un jugador enorme e histórico. Pero jugar sin ayudas arbitrales tan sinvergüenzas te hará ver la vida de otra forma. Bueno, ya lo has vivido con tu selección. Aún así no dudo que te será difícil asimilar que no ganarás mas ligas tan fácilmente.
Меси ти никто и неможеш играт футбол перед варота соперника стоиш тебе дадут пас по приказу твои хранителе и ти забиеш ети суди немогли купит твои ангели хронители давай досвидания
where's the attack? you left it out?
Messi is angry.. be careful madrid , be careful……

WTF that's what being attacked looks like nowadays
He was just trying to talk to the referee… Since when do we give yellows when the games over
Messi if you're a good player change club and let's see ,you cannot be playing one club since you started professional football and call yourself the best only fools will call you Messi as the best
messi the god of football
At least Messi shows some fighting spirit instead of just staring at the ground and rubbing his forehead like he used to do. Not even a fan of him, but I can appreciate this.
Stupid ass excuses for his nasty behavior in 3.2.1.
Its Messi in Spain,he could have killed the referee and nothing would have happened…
es muy complicado para Messi tras haber sido ayudado año tras año por los de negro, ver que ahora gracias al V.A.R. se les hace mas complicado ayudarlos. Tranquilo Messi. Has sido un jugador enorme e histórico. Pero jugar sin ayudas arbitrales tan sinvergüenzas te hará ver la vida de otra forma. Bueno, ya lo has vivido con tu selección. Aún así no dudo que te será difícil asimilar que no ganarás mas ligas tan fácilmente.
The last thing Messi needs is to become another diva like Neymar. Keep your cool, bro and leave a good legacy, not this shit.
Blaming the refs is getting old. Just get over it. They get it right most of the time.
Меси ти никто и неможеш играт футбол перед варота соперника стоиш тебе дадут пас по приказу твои хранителе и ти забиеш ети суди немогли купит твои ангели хронители давай досвидания
Messi ????
Messi finally showing his true colors. Not shaking an official's hand and verbally abused the ref. He is more arrogant and egoistic than his rival.
Is Messi The Best Ever Football Player Or The Best Goalscorer??… ??? Because The Only Record Is The Number Goals….
Guys I Swear I just got $3514.on my account from this tool Great work…
should have picked up was the direct red card
messi pussy
If it was Ronaldo would be Red.
messi : "watch ur mouth, i can pay ur salary"
Ref : "Yellow card"
Imagine if it was Ronaldo doing this, the hate would be enormous
Genio messi viva messi
Enano ridiculo.
Little prick