Barcelona Funny moments 2010/2011

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Ricardo Sandoval says:

messi10 es el mejor jugador en el mundo…⚽⚽⚽10

juanitovaderrama says:

gringos no tenéis equipo propio?putos yankis 

MBP 8 says:

fui la unica que vio que messi le dieron en sus partes nobles??

Luigi Rizzo says:

Hahahaha hahh

Flor Juarez says:

Que aburridos!!!  los del Real Madrid de cr7 se divierten mas!! 

Mica Pica says:

Hey, have you considered DribblePROshot yet? Just search Google. On their web site you will find a great free video showing the best way to considerably supercharge your soccer or football skills in no time… This converted Fausto into a significantly better football/soccer player…His team mates were astounded! Hopefully it will help you as well.

Luis Zaratustra says:

Dani Alves 1:04 jajajajajajajaja

Naeemsum says:

Fuck given: ZERO

Jorge Luis Genes says:

Viva la vida loca de Ricky Martin, temazo!

michael wenas says:

do you know what's funnier ? your english

Entertainment Zone says:

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olvin BUSTILLO says:

Guardiola,.. es un Traidor,.,

Pedro Rodriguez says:

ese portugese hijo puta es

Buzz buzzer says:

calla renegat

Calisha Sabrina says:

Love barça

Muhammad Refin says:

Puta barça!!

Laura Holguin says:

como se llama esa cancion?

Teoo Halachew says:

My favorite team…;d <3

MasterGames3D says:

And soon Neymar lol

Roxana Rubio says:

Dani alves es puro sabor latino= gracioso

Paato2012 says:

creo que es Piqué

Allan Schweinfurth says:

0:57 Poor Thiago!!

Giorgi Sabashvili says:

0:15 they're like: we aint do no shit LOL

bza321 says:

Chelsea had last year no debts either the had 1.4m profit. But i don't know if they have debt now.

Karolina Jelecki says:

u gotta love them <3

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