FC Barcelona’s TOP 10 funny moments (season 2015/16)

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One of the secrets behind so much success at FC Barcelona is that there’s always such a wonderful atmosphere among the first team players. Winning four major titles in one season is not just the result of hard graft on the training ground, sublime skills and intricate tactical planning. It’s also about ensuring that the players get on well with each other and enjoy moments that not might always make immediate sense, but are all about having fun, bonding and simply letting their hair down after all the pressures that professional football entails. Watch this video, and you’ll see exactly what we mean!

Uno de los secretos del éxito del FC Barcelona es la buena unión que hay dentro del vestuario. Y es que todo el grupo ha formado una auténtica piña para levantar cuatro títulos en una temporada de ensueño. Pero, aparte de prepararse bien en cada entrenamiento, también hay momentos distendidos dentro del vestuario, tanto durante los entrenamientos como en los diferentes actos que se realizan durante el curso. Tal como Luis Enrique ha dicho más de una vez, la suma de todos es clave para alcanzar el éxito. Disfruta de este vídeo con los diez momentos más divertidos de la temporada.

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dario .B says:

que grande goku

Creepahboi_BR says:


Soccer Kid231 says:

i miss the most is the diving for money guy if u know what i mean XDDDDD

Miguel Mauro Fernandes says:

I will miss neymar a lot

Sheyla Y it's Lopez Torres says:


Sheyla Y it's Lopez Torres says:


Sheyla Y it's Lopez Torres says:

Feliz Cumpleaños.. Lokito?⚽✉

Iota Omicron says:

Clap clap clap
Clap clap clap X3

Asraf Matnor says:

MSN is the 1st phenomenon trio footballer ever

Mostafizer Rahman says:

Nice video.

Chau Nguyen Jr says:

The best part is 0:30 Neymar and Suarez so funny ?

Hittu Singh says:

I am from India can I meet with my lord messi

Oualid says:

Cool for Arda. At least he was the official clown of the club. Better than nothing

Toni Fotballer says:

Barsrlona complicada

Minion Stuart says:

Messi and Neymar

Hùng cường Phạm says:

Rakitic son goku

pmjafc says:

Why are you changes Luis Enrique ?

Katy Varoli says:

Luis Suárez sos un bocho

white Dove says:


Fathia Shaick says:


ghita alin stefan says:

MESSI Y Luis Suarez. Pique. BARCELONA TE QUIERO FORCA OLEEEE???????????????????????⚽⚽⚽⚽⚽⚽???????

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