Atletico Madrid vs world legends ⚽️ RONALDINHO ⚽️ Atletico Madrid vs Leyendas del futbol

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Atletico de Madrid vs world legends scholas highlights 28/5/2017
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Atletico Madrid Legends vs World Legends 4-5 RONALDINHO

players in these game:

Barcelona legend Ronaldinho
Rene Higuita
Diego Forlan
Fernando Torres
Clarence Seedorf
Riyad Mahrez
cuauhtemoc blanco

Ronaldinho Gaucho Magic Moments Skills and Tricks Impossible To Forget The Most Skillful Football Soccer Player Ever


Michael Assis says:

como que pode o time ter dois camisa 10 na linha

Anatoly Sinyakov says:

Mmmm yarmolenko…….what?

Rasheed DaBoss Gaming says:

The goalies weren't trying

Rzayev amil Asef says:

Barcelona 4-0psv

MT Bronze says:

Único comentário BR?

nana kwame says:

Can't stop laughing ???…good stuff

Music Buzz says: Hello Every one i have Request too you Pls Listen This Song This is My Fast Song hope U enjoy it..

Сергей Кузьмин says:

Причем тут Марез и легенды футбола ???

Angel Guevara says:

Esto si es futbol! sin odio, sin resentimiento! solo un juego! 😀

Omar Sanluis Lopez says:

Cuantos tiempo lleva ese partido


Ronaldinho is very good

eduardo serrano says:

Cuauhtémoc uno de los mejores también necesitamos mas jugadores de esos en México

Edgar Geovanni Sanchez Flores says:

Que hace el pinche americanista

Kevin Marin says:

Dos números 10 de leyendas

Rajeen Gurung says:

Legends always legends…

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