Pepe vs Alves

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Real Madrid – FCBarcelona 14.08.2011 Supercopa de España


Eli Flores says:

Pepe is a piece of shit. Worst player ever

pretty lea says:

i hate this pig

Sergio Ramos4 says:

good job pepe

Lim Zi feng says:

I think Pepe wanna get revenge on Dani Alves for what he did during the ucl

neymar jr says:

Alves is a pussy…pepe showed him how to play football

2006canna says:

Pepe definitely not sharpest tool in the box.


worst player in whole galaxy. someone please break his legs.

MarioCro says:

yellow wasnt even shown

jason ichigo says:

pepe the wild animal cannibal


Roja directa.
Red Card

Jean Simões says:

Dani hijo de puta

zr1rocks says:

alves was smart gr knew pepe was coming and he knew he was gonna foul him so he waited and timed when he would touch the ball

mario ramadhan says:

dont mess with pepe

janjan55555 says:

Oh my God, the retards here commenting! You do realize that was an instant cause for a red card right?! That was not just defending, he knew exactly how to "STOP" his attack completely! He's a good defender, I won't take that away, but this kind of shit needs to halt! He should get banned for atleast 3 months + super fines for this kind of behaviour!

I NN says:

Рере сука

Prinx Akeem says:

I love Pepe and I think he's one of the best defenders in the world despite his strong aggression….come at me lil bitches

Cantinho da Resenha says:

foi nada,segue o fluxo

Cinnamon says:

Hadn't he played football and made a good living out of it, Pepe would be in the streets causing havok or killing people for a criminal gang.

davon rorie. says:

Pepe said "fuck ur dreeaaams"

good boy says:

pepe is crazy

guilherme says:

pepe is LIXO

Ludovic PERNY says:

pépé est un dingue absolue ouatt

odiamo tutti says:

pepe was a fucking pig .


Admit it real Madrid defenders are world class

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