FIFA 18 DhTekKz vs Nicolas99fc | FUT Champions Cup Barcelona Final |

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Mauro Venegas says:

Son los mejores del mundo ? No no vi una jugada Real de un partido verdadero, puros pases, sin proyección ni paredes buenas, amagues o trucos, sin sentido … El gol de Ronaldo el segundo fue muy malo .. Pensé que iba a ver buenas jugadas con goles en los ángulos, ya que el juego es como si estuvieras vos en la cancha, es genial para tan básicos, ni un tiro a colocar … Muy feo el partido

George Kirtsios says:

Holy shit the commentators are passionate for a video game..

Guido says:

La camiseta de banfield, clavee

martin ferrara says:

Europeans stealing finals, no matter how many times you read this

Michael Yeboah says:

Increase quality

Hehehe Jeje says:

I hate these commentators

edward cabrera says:

Shame and the kid is happy cuz he win?? i died

Narayan Gurjar says:

What a match


Yes everyone can win against a team like that it's easier. You should play with some teams with lowest football player

joars xeneize says:

Típico de los argentinos, perdiendo finales jaj que perros son.

Kyle Ahusi says:

the referee on the pitch doesn't really know what that game represents for the real players lol

Shafyq Kedah says:

Please give me the brand name of hoodie nicolas wear.

zq1q says:

That Dhtekkz looks 12 or something. Definitely not 16…

error #404 says:

Ngl these videos are hella cringey. Talking about how he's only 16 and he had such a maturity about his style of play like bruh it's fifa?

ULTra Gamer says:

that nicolas has fucked up his posture ..

Данила Данила says:

Хочется вьебать за такое, это не спорт

배ᅧᅢWhdydtn says:

Nicolas has a face that draws punches. Damn ugly

James Trowbridge says:

This is the kid that called me the n word and told me he fucked my mom on mw2

DisobeyToday says:

Nicolas looks like a caveman watching someone make fire for the first time

[imaboss]神拳 says:

tiplere bak aw

Woutoro32 says:

Still fut is stupid. Play with clubs with their own squads. Now you can do 5 star skills with all the attackers. Tactics are less of an issue. Pace is overpowered and keeping track of fatigue isnt important. Cause all the players are worldclass…. Win fifa 18 e-sports worls cup with for example Feyenoord default squad. Then you are a real champion.

Now you play with a futteam with all the stats 90+. Yey….

Simone Gasparri says:

Play Rainbow Six Siege, not this shit

ShadowNinja 04 says:

18:22 best goal ive seen in fifa


I thought he was losing by seeing his reaction

Amit Rawat says:

These kids should study rather than these shitty games

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