Incredible scenes as Roma complete historic Champions League comeback!

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AS Roma completed a stunning comeback by winning 3-0 in the second leg to dump Barcelona out of the Champions League.

A late goal from defender Kostas Manolas blew the roof off the Stadio Olimpico, and the final whistle saw some truly incredible celebrations.


The Big Quack says:

Both of these teams wouldn’t stand a chance against Liverpool woohoo salah scoring goals everywhere

Junior Lamontagne says:

Who is here after they lost to Liverpool 7-6. (agragrete)

Prosper View says:

I was at the stadium that day. I’ve been to the Olimpico several times, never experienced such a great amount of energy running through our bodies. We were all one. Since the first minute of the game the stadium was trembling. Soccer is so much more then just a game

Martino traica says:

stavo a pianje

Stu Bomb says:

Barca fans would probably call AS Roma AS* Roma

Aditya Basak says:

This comback was nothing. Barca defeated psg by 6-1

JR 07 says:

The roar of the roma crowd after the whistle makes it even better

Harrison Clark says:

Barca: We completed the greatest comeback ever against PSG
Roma: Hold my beer

MrRamsissecond says:

de rossi…

Hossam Younso says:

Best night EVER ❤❤❤

Anna Maria Cancaleoni says:

Come te non ce nessuno forza roma sempre



Simone Pinto says:

Solo la roma può dare queste emozioni

Federico Battilocchi says:


mynor ochoa says:

It's Just Italian Teams

Naix says:

beyond reason, beyond Roman reality and in the end even beyond Barcelona.

Deinde Johnson says:

" Barcelona Falls, Messi Falls " Music to my ears every time lmao

ZAKI Isa says:

What can I say Barca, Karma’s a bitch??‍♂️?

ngoeslink says:

Beautiful. Everyone in Spain celebrated that night. Grazie mile Roma.

david says:

football is best sport in the world

Aytekin vs Ovrebo Martin says:

Bendito San Manolas ,al Carrer !!

Shubham Gupta says:

peter dwery is the best commentator in the world….

Riccardo Patrolecco says:

Che fantastica Romaaa dajeeee!!

XilenT Mode says:

I feel sad for roma that they had not made it for finals 🙁

Viral Graphic Equalizer says:

i love roma even tho im liverpool fans… i'm bit sad when i watching this video… for me roma is one of the best team in the world



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