Hey! Are you ready to see Gerard Piqué and Shakira’s amazing house? New video Gerard Pique & Shakira House in Barcelona (Interior & Exterior) Inside Tour, I hope you like the video. Subscribe for more.
Gerard Piqué and Shakira have been looking for a new place in Barcelona for a while. The FC Barcelona defender and the Colombian singer have lived in various places in or near Barcelona since they got together. However, it’s come back on the market and at a much lowe price, with the deal to buy reportedly costing around five million euros. Pique signed off the deal in May and there is now work being done on the house before Gerard, Shakira, Milan and Sasha move in. The Barça defender will not be the only player in the area. This time they have chosen the city of Barcelona and a house situated on Avenida Pearson. It’s a house surrounded by trees, preserving its intimacy. It’s not the first time Pique and Shakira have looked at this house. They were offered it one year ago for €16 million euros, but they rejected that price. Everything indicates that the operation of the operation was closed last May thanks to the management of the father of the football player, Joan Piqué, and the sale of the property has amounted to a figure close to five million euros, as he says the Sport newspaper. The one that will be the new home of the couple has the facade of Swiss style and consists of almost 1000 m2. In addition, it has a huge garden in which the little Milan and Sasha can run around at ease. The property does not have any buildings around, but it is protected by a dense grove to preserve the privacy of the family.
Music & Song:
Puzzle VIP
You can reach me, please contact: ferhatcihangirli@gmail.com
Track: RetroVision – Puzzle VIP [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://youtu.be/WtaKxxZGCKc
Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/PuzzleVIPYO
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Musica esta terrible… que video mas aburridor
Классные ребята! Оба мне очень симпатичны!
what is name is that song?
♡ Shakira ♡
Моя самая любимая певица ♡
Ya me imagino cuantas veces se han mudado porque todos publican donde viven no se puede vivir en paz si eres famoso
the best loved and every day being the most part of the best loved family's lives of the best loved
i love shakira . . . god bless their family . . .
Qué bonita familia quisiera tener una casa así Ellos tienen mucha suerte
wow what a life
As well as not something I need to support and participate in my channel and activate the buzzer button
To receive you all new and enjoyable
Casal mais sem graça essa shakira e a esse piqué ele cm vinte e pouco anos e ela velha deve ter uns quarenta. Cm dinheiro todo mundo ama. Vamos ver se vão ficar juntos até uns 30anos duvido…. Mais ainda assim que DEUS abençoe os dois.
Türk Yok arkadaş ya
why dont u help the poor,u r rich enough
i love you shakira
Todo bien, pero con tanto dinero porque no se arregla el pelo por Dios!!!
Como é o Nome da musica?
He's bye bye F18 and comin home today.
Puto luxe per un puto jugador Piqué
no es para todos cojer el vuelo cantar en cada pais horas decalarios horarios llo no podria
lo tienen pero savados domigzos trabajo no cae del cielo
Csodapár! Mindkettőtöket imádlak-hosszu boldog életet kivánva családodnak és nektek!
No me interesa su misica estupida
que linda casa